Maroc-OS's Goodbye Article Introduction.
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Maroc-OS's Goodbye Article Introduction.
And still, we were under a continuous barrage of hostilities. “Not cool!”, This led me to stop working on icloud and to leave Apple altogether.
- I announced that we would release the tool source code (doulCi Server) as an github, but we have not so far. Why, you ask? Because I was quite angry with those who attacked us, when all the time I was working for free, telling the world that "APPLE'S ICLOUD ACTIVATION LOCK IS NOT SECURE AND BYPASSING IT IS CHILD’S PLAY".
However, after discussing things with my brother and partners from the doulCi Team, and after doing quite a bit of thinking, I decided to do some more work for you. I cleaned up the examples and said why not release the source code?
So, I went to work for you again and cleaned up the codes and have prepared the following write ups:
*** We cannot release the whole platform (76 files). We will only upload the working examples, exploits, explanations and how-to's.
- This is the last contact you will receive from me regarding any and all apple related things, This is the gift that I can leave you with upon my departure from the IOS world and possibly perhaps my return to android.
- Ubuntu Touch src for Samsung Galaxy S5 is 100% ready but has not yet been tested.
Good-Bye to Apple things!
- I apologize for my grammar and the way I wrote this, but English is not my mother tongue.
Yahya Lmallas (Maroc-OS), @MerrukTechnolog from doulCi Team
- Hello everyone, As I've said many times, DOULCI STOPPED WORKING ON EVERYTHING TO THE iCLOUD BYPASS QUITE SOME TIME AGO. We were attacked on numerous occasions for not releasing the second tool (the doulCi Bypass, a.k.a. iCloud Hack or iCloud Activation lock bypass) quick enough and we continue to be under attack to date.
And still, we were under a continuous barrage of hostilities. “Not cool!”, This led me to stop working on icloud and to leave Apple altogether.
- I announced that we would release the tool source code (doulCi Server) as an github, but we have not so far. Why, you ask? Because I was quite angry with those who attacked us, when all the time I was working for free, telling the world that "APPLE'S ICLOUD ACTIVATION LOCK IS NOT SECURE AND BYPASSING IT IS CHILD’S PLAY".
However, after discussing things with my brother and partners from the doulCi Team, and after doing quite a bit of thinking, I decided to do some more work for you. I cleaned up the examples and said why not release the source code?
So, I went to work for you again and cleaned up the codes and have prepared the following write ups:
* doulCi Kitchen, a.k.a. doulCi 2.0
* R0bf0rdSn0w proxy
* And finally, doulCi Server src examples and exploits (2 old exploits on Albert activation server).
*** We cannot release the whole platform (76 files). We will only upload the working examples, exploits, explanations and how-to's.
- This is the last contact you will receive from me regarding any and all apple related things, This is the gift that I can leave you with upon my departure from the IOS world and possibly perhaps my return to android.
- Ubuntu Touch src for Samsung Galaxy S5 is 100% ready but has not yet been tested.
Good-Bye to Apple things!
- I apologize for my grammar and the way I wrote this, but English is not my mother tongue.
Yahya Lmallas (Maroc-OS), @MerrukTechnolog from doulCi Team
[ VIA : ] doulCi.
[ SOURCE : ] Merruk Technology.